Aviation Academy in the USA for International Students

Why Choose Aerocadet as Your Flight Training School in the USA?

Why Choose Aerocadet as Your Flight Training School in Canada?

Aerocadet Combines Flight Training and Internship

Aerocadet Guarantees Pilot Internship in the USA and Caribbean

Best Aviation Academy in the USA

Flight Training and Pilot Internships


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Top-rated Aviation Academy in the USA

Most Cost-Effective Airline Pathway


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Excellent Flight School in the USA

U.S. and Canada Training Bases


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Leading Pilot Academy in the USA

Guaranteed Pilot Internship and Employment


U.S. Internships Canada Internships

Why Enroll with AeroCadet?

Our programs, their unique architecture, the end-result and their cost-efficiency can not be beaten.

Over 2500 hours flight time

Build significant flight time on propeller and jet aircraft by undergoing an integrated flight training + flight instructor internship + airline pilot internship using special F-1 visa (USA) or Study Permit (Canada). Fully accredited aviation academy in USA or Canada.

Build Initial Jet Time

Our graduates have opportunity to develop their aviation experience after graduation from pilot academy in USA or Canada by undergoing a much valued by most airlines passenger jet experience, working as FO on medium size regional airliners!

World-wide Job Placement

Since employing pilots who graduated from flight training schools in USA and Canada are preferred - we are so confident in the success of our integrated program graduates, that we offer a guaranteed airline pilot employment placement support!

Earn Income While Training

We provide our students with the special student visas that allow them to apply for work as pilots in the USA and Canada after graduation from the pilot training program, and get paid immediately after completion of the flight training phase!

Get Continues Support

We want to ensure your success as a newly-minted aviator. This is why our highly-experienced consultants, most of whom are active airline pilots, will mentor you until you get your dream job. No other aviation academies provide this sort of continues support!

Qualify for North American PR

Our fully-integrated ab initio programs in Canada qualify graduates to apply for permanent residency after completion of flight training and internship using Canadian Experience Class. The PR allows pilots to work indefinitely in any airline in Canada.

AeroCadet Focuses on What's Really Important for Your Career

The main problem with 99% of the flight training program out there is the lack of follow-through support for the needs of international students. This means that 99% of international student pilots who graduate from flight training programs in the United States and Canada are dropped by their flight schools to look for employments with just 200-250 hours of flight time, and a basic CPL. And doing so sets up the newly-minted pilots for a career failure: searching for employment with such low credentials leads only to to unemployment, depressions, desperation, and expiration of pilot currency

AeroCadet's leading airline employment experts have changed all of this: our programs are designed specifically with the needs of international students in mind. Your needs. We know what it takes to find your dream airline job. We have designed our programs in such a way, that our graduates get important pilot work experience, build significant flight time, and become airline employment ready right after graduation. And we stand by you, and by our guarantee of permanent employment placement with the leading airlines in Asia and Middle East within six months after you complete our program. 

So, welcome to where you belong. Welcome to where you are cared for. Welcome to AeroCadet

international flight training

01. Quality Pilot Licensing

We set you up for a success from day one, by offering you high quality ICAO pilot licenses to ATPL level, with the option to convert to any other ICAO license in the world. Respectable ICAO licenses, such as FAA, CAA and EASA are fundamental for your career growth as a pilot.

02. Immediate Work Experience

What's more important than licensing? Correct: flight time. Our programs focus on providing candidates with an exceptionally high amount of flight time, to ensure that they meet the direct entry requirements of most leading airlines in the Middle East and Asia.

03. Strong career development

Unlike most flight training facilities, we do not just teach you to fly. We foster your aviation career from start to finish, until you get your dream job with your target airlines and your desired aircraft type,

04. Strong Academic Platform

Anyone can get a pilot license and some flight time. But the airlines are looking for the "Complete Package" candidates who possess not only respectable licenses and extensive pilot experience, but also a strong academic credentials. Our program graduates are able to continue academic studies to earn Bachelor's in 18 months.



Watch Review by Oles (Ukraine)

Oles has been working on his PPL and CPL license at our FTP in Florida, USA. He has made significant progress and taking his CPL check-ride soon!

aerocadet reviews

Watch Review by Muhammad (Saudi)

Mohammad has been working on his CPL license at our FTP in Florida, USA. he is one of the star students with great US internship options!

aerocadet reviews china

Watch Review by Jessica (China)

Jessica is a student pilot from China. She is happy with the flight training program and looking forwards to her internship options with us after graduation.

aerocadet reviews jordan

Watch Review by Mustafa (Jordan)

Mustafa is from Jordan. He has completed his CPL, and now nearing completion of Instructor License, which will allow him to work in the US as intern.

aerocadet reviews nigeria

Watch Review by Abdullah (Nigeria)

Abdullah is from Nigeria. He is aspiring to become an airline pilot, just all Aerocadet's students. He is completing his CPL and looking forwards to CFI.

aerocadet reviews brasil

Watch Review by Pedro (Brasil)

Perdo arrived a few weeks ago and finifhsing his Private Pilot License. He will proceed to Instrument and Commercial training shortly after that.


Flight Training Programs by AeroCadet

Discover our unique flight training and pilot internship programs

Flight Training Schools in the USA

Every Semester

Degree Program, USA

All students are required to attend their first college campus orientation and meet professors and flight instructors. Not enrolled yet? Class still has space!

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Top-rated flight academy in the USA

Monthly, ongoing

Fast-track Programs, USA

Please ensure you are able to attend the Aviator College program orientation at our Florida campus on this date. Not enrolled yet? Class still has space!

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Flight School in the USA

Monthly, ongoing

Fast-track Programs, Canada

This is the start date for the international students enrolled into either FPAP-C or FPAP-IND programs in CanadaNot enrolled yet? Class still has space!

Enroll Now

Finest Aviation Academy in the USA


Explanation of programs, via Zoom

Our monthly webinar is conducted by the airline pilots, where they compare Aerocadet programs in the US and Canada, and explain they achive training objectives


Best Aviation Academy in Canada and USA


FPAP-1/C/IND Program Webinar via Zoom

During this FPAP-1 USA program webinar you will meet program architect, Capt. Russell Sherwood, followed by a Questions and Answers session.



FPAP-C/IND Program Webinar via Zoom

Attend this webinar if you are looking to work in the leading airlines, as well as have the ability to work in Canada.


How Foreign Student Can FLy IN the US Airlines Permanently

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Apply for the U.S. Work Permit

This articles is written for foreign students who want to work in the U.S. airlines after graduation on EB-1 visa: requirements and process

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How to Finance Your Aviation Training

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How to Finance Your Aviation Training

This popular article discusses various options used by international studets of financing their flight training in the United States and Canada

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building turbine time in USA on F1 visa

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How to Build Turbine Time on F-1

Are you enrolled into Aerocadet's F1 visa program in the USA and starting your OPT? We got tips and strategies on how to find turbine employment!

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2024 © Raich Aerospace Group LLC, DBA "AEROCADET" (est. 2012) - an aviation training education and consulting agent. All articles, images are subject to copyright.